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Showing posts from May, 2021

Good Guy Vs Bad Guy

  Over the course of time, I've come to a conclusion that- you cannot label someone simply as good or bad. And what's the basis of my believing so? Well, let's imagine a scenario where there's a leader of a town. The leader has made tremendous development to the town. Proper housing, no hunger, good education, health care facilities for all - sounds great, right? We can put the leader in the 'good' category. However, there's a problem. No one is free from making mistakes nor is that leader. But if anyone from the town tries to point out his misktake, the leader does everything in his power to shut that person up. Would you still keep him in the 'good' category? It's understandable how we label someone as good or bad. If a person's majority of deeds are deemed as good, he becomes a good person. Same calculations goes for the person who we refer to as bad. From the moment we distinguish someone as 'good' or 'bad', we tend to th

Arab Spring pt. 2

  After Arab Spring, many Arab countries saw a change in their government. In some cases though, situations unraveled in quite an unexpected way. Here are instances of some of the countries where things didn't go as it was expected. Egypt   After 18 days of mass demonstration, Hosni Mubarak resigned from his 30 years of presidency in February, 2011. Mohamed Morsi became the president with political group Muslim Brotherhood's support but was deposed after the coup d'etat by military in 2013. The leader of the coup- El-Sisi seized power next year and has been in power eversince. However, all these changes barely brought positive changes in the country. Political oppression, economic instability indicate that the situation's turned from bad to worse.  Yemen   After watching the success of taking down dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, Yemenis decided to walk on the same path to oust their president Ali Abdullah Saleh who had been excercising power for almost three decades. Bu