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Showing posts from August, 2021

Review: Law School

Crime and law related K-dramas have never failed to amaze me and my recently watched 'Law School' is another addition to that list. Here I'll discuss what I liked about the drama and a few lessons I took from it (yeah, I love to take nerdy approach towards everything). The story of 'Law School' starts from the suspicious death of a professor of Hankuk University's law school. While the mystery keeps branching in the process of capturing the murderer, Professor Yang tries to hunt down the root of evil along with his students. The whole story was like a jigsaw puzzle . Every charcters' incidents had connection and throughout the drama, the puzzle pieces were being put into place revealing the connections. I think Professor Yang's obsession with jigsaw puzzle indicates to this characteristic of the plot. Each individual's story fairly contributed to the collective story and they were interesting enough on their own too. If I'm talking about the less

When Hobby Gives You Stress!

I've just watched a video that addresses a problem I had to fix not so long ago. Here's the video. I love to watch anime. And there are a few certain directors whose works I really like such as– Makoto Shinkai, Hayao Miyazaki, Mamoru Hosoda, Satoshi Kon. The problem was— I used to feel that I had to watch ALL of their movies or other contents and I set it as my goal. I didn't even care whether I was enjoying the movie or not, I just had to finish one and tick off the box. Thus I watched all of Makoto Shinkai's works in a go and burned myself out. I didn't do so with the other directors' works but surely suffered for the list of unwatched movies and not ticking the unchecked boxes. Later I realized the problem with such mindset and fixed it. Hobby is no such thing you have to stress yourself out for. Well, that's the reason it's hobby; silly meh. I used to go through the same problem with my watch-later movie or anime list and to-be-read books. I never kn