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Showing posts with the label History

How the Nuclear Tests Destroyed the Lives of Innocent Islanders

  Bikini Atoll The other day I was reading the story 'othoi shagor' of 'Tin goyenda' again after almost 8 years and learned about an interesting historical reference which I had completely ignored the first time I read it. Today I'm sharing that with you. After World War 2, during the cold war between the United States and Russia, the U.S.A. conducted some consecutive nuclear tests on different islands and atolls in the Marshall islands (the testing sites were given the name– Pacific Proving Grounds). These tests continued  for 12 years starting from 1946, to show the world how much power they had. According to the document, 105 nuclear tests were conducted in total. The first explosion took place at Bikini Atoll on 1July, 1946. (Atolls are ring-shaped coral islands.) Marshall Islands is situated in the South Sea of Pacific Ocean and it consists of many small islands and atolls. The atolls consist of smaller islands. In the mainland of the Bikini atoll, lived 167

Arab Spring pt. 2

  After Arab Spring, many Arab countries saw a change in their government. In some cases though, situations unraveled in quite an unexpected way. Here are instances of some of the countries where things didn't go as it was expected. Egypt   After 18 days of mass demonstration, Hosni Mubarak resigned from his 30 years of presidency in February, 2011. Mohamed Morsi became the president with political group Muslim Brotherhood's support but was deposed after the coup d'etat by military in 2013. The leader of the coup- El-Sisi seized power next year and has been in power eversince. However, all these changes barely brought positive changes in the country. Political oppression, economic instability indicate that the situation's turned from bad to worse.  Yemen   After watching the success of taking down dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, Yemenis decided to walk on the same path to oust their president Ali Abdullah Saleh who had been excercising power for almost three decades. Bu

Arab Spring pt. 1

After slacking on a weekly post, I'm back on the track with new content! This time's topic is a history that's not completely part of the past yet. You've got the spoiler in the title already; it's the hot topic of the beginning of last decade- the Arab Spring. There's much to get into regarding this topic and so I intend to make two (or more if needed) parts of today's post. Here's the part one where I'll be covering what Arab Spring is, how it began and a glimpse of what it led to.  It all started from a small country in North Africa- Tunisia; a country having a long history of corruption and oppression from the government. In the cover of farce-like democracy, the country actually ran by dictatorship under the power of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia's second president starting from 1987. People didn't have the freedom of speech and government corruption, unemployment, social inequality were distressing their life. Ben Ali's

From Dream to Disaster

Jiro Horikoshi- a man of genius whose name is certainly an important one in the history of aircraft. Unfortunately, his best creation is associated with one of the darkest chapters of history. Before jumping into that story, let's first take a look at this ingenious man's life. Jiro's dream and desire revolved around aeroplane ever since his childhood. He had to give up on his childhood dream of being a pilot because of being nearsighted. But he came to know that it was possible to work with aeroplanes even without being a pilot- by designing them. Thus he found the passion of his life that would lead him to accomplish his dream followed by the upcoming events of ups and downs. Born in 1903, Jiro was growing up in the time when Japan was slowly adapting to the western technology. In his early 20s, he started studying at Tokyo University in the newly opened aviation program. But the Kanto Earthquake of 1923 put a hold to life. The earthquake took place in the afternoon when

The Roaring 20s

An air of excitement was floating in the air before starting the new decade of 2020s. No wonder it had something new for us in the pouch and who-knows probably has some more. Interestingly, the 20s of the former century is also a notable decade in the history of the world. Yeah, we're talking about the historical 'Roaring 20s'! The decade of laughter, luxury, going bonkers and what not. Not for everyone though. The Roaring Twenties was a period of economic prosperity and cultural revolution for the big cities of North America, Europe and Australia. After the wartime devastation of WWI, the economy of America took a huge turn especially because of mass production, increase in employment and technological progress. People had more money in pocket and the consumer cultural was getting more and more popular. Some of the notable aspects of these Années folles (crazy years) as the French liked to call it are noted here - Lifestyle More and more people were leaving the rural areas