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Review: Law School

Crime and law related K-dramas have never failed to amaze me and my recently watched 'Law School' is another addition to that list. Here I'll discuss what I liked about the drama and a few lessons I took from it (yeah, I love to take nerdy approach towards everything). The story of 'Law School' starts from the suspicious death of a professor of Hankuk University's law school. While the mystery keeps branching in the process of capturing the murderer, Professor Yang tries to hunt down the root of evil along with his students. The whole story was like a jigsaw puzzle . Every charcters' incidents had connection and throughout the drama, the puzzle pieces were being put into place revealing the connections. I think Professor Yang's obsession with jigsaw puzzle indicates to this characteristic of the plot. Each individual's story fairly contributed to the collective story and they were interesting enough on their own too. If I'm talking about the less

When Hobby Gives You Stress!

I've just watched a video that addresses a problem I had to fix not so long ago. Here's the video. I love to watch anime. And there are a few certain directors whose works I really like such as– Makoto Shinkai, Hayao Miyazaki, Mamoru Hosoda, Satoshi Kon. The problem was— I used to feel that I had to watch ALL of their movies or other contents and I set it as my goal. I didn't even care whether I was enjoying the movie or not, I just had to finish one and tick off the box. Thus I watched all of Makoto Shinkai's works in a go and burned myself out. I didn't do so with the other directors' works but surely suffered for the list of unwatched movies and not ticking the unchecked boxes. Later I realized the problem with such mindset and fixed it. Hobby is no such thing you have to stress yourself out for. Well, that's the reason it's hobby; silly meh. I used to go through the same problem with my watch-later movie or anime list and to-be-read books. I never kn

Bitcoin— What Is It and How Does It Work?

  BITCOIN— a familiar name nowadays getting in the spotlight more and more with each passing year. If you have heard of it before, you know this much that bitcoin is a digital currency. But how does a digital currency work? Or what is the use of it when we already have digital banking? In today's blog I'm going to explain the basics in the simplest term possible.  First things first— we need to know how currency works to understand how it can be so much in an abstract form i.e. digital form. Let's look at the history of transaction.  At the beginning of civilization, people would exchange goods for goods in return and thus obtain what was necessary for them. This system had its limitations, so later in the history people  moved onto using metal coins (gold, silver) to buy stuffs. Since these materials are precious to people's standard and can't be obtained easily, they worked well as currency. However, carrying a good amount of coins everywhere was troublesome and s

*Random Realizations* [Thoughts]

  Growing up is all about having eye-opening realizations about different stuffs. Realization about ourselves, the world around us and our dynamics with people. Here are some of the realizations I had in the past few months after going through the trial for a much longer period of time. Most of them can't be generalized since they they are solely my point of view, so you are recommended to take them with a pinch of salt! Saying "I don't care anymore" when no one's asked you very much means you still do care I wonder if anyone has ever grown up without being emotionally hurt by people around him/her. At one point we start feeling stoic. We keep telling ourselves or whoever willing to hear that we no longer care if someone hurts us, betrays us or tramples us down. There's a hint of monastic coolness in this manner, probably that's why we never get tired of proving that we REALLY don't care. But come to think of it. If we really didn't care, we wouldn

Anime Review: My Neighbors the Yamadas

If you watch Ghibli movies and haven't heard of "My Neighbors the Yamadas", it will be difficult to believe at first glance that Studio Ghibli made this film because this movie doesn't have the aesthetic, spot-on, eye-catching art-style that other Ghibli movies have. It's also quite possible to miss this one if are intending to watch all of the Ghibli movies since it always gets less attention and go unnoticed among its peers. However, this family-comedy movie is super humorous and the loosely sketched art style complements it successfully; so you're definitely gonna have a good time watching it.  Yamada family has father Takashi, mother Matsuka, grandma Shige, brother Noboru, younger sister Nonoko and a grumpy doggy Pochy. Their everyday life is portrayed in the film where they bicker with each other, reconcile, make mistakes, learn and grow together in the funniest way possible. The movie doesn't have one story leading to one conclusion but it's a co

Are You Daydreaming Okay?

What's a better way for escaping the reality than daydreaming? It's our most available source of entertainment and also an inevitable part of a creative mind. We all daydream at times and it's only natural as long as 'you' are the master of your daydreams. But if it grows as a habit with some special features and starts controlling you, it's time you became careful. Maladaptive Daydreaming- a psychiatric condition indentified by Professor Eliezer Somer in 2002. A maladaptive daydreamer's daydreams are 'highly structured'. Unlike regular daydreams, they have constructed plot, fictional or imaginary characters playing them out- much like a scenario. Maladaptive daydreamers spend a large amount of time constructing these plots and daydreaming. Daydreaming for them is enjoyable and if interrupted while daydreaming, they often feel the urge to continue from where they left off. It starts interfering with their daily tasks and attention. Sometimes they ca

Review: The Shawshank Redemption

How you doing! Hope you are spending energetic days cuz it sucks to have a slump... As for me, things are going in a slothful way. Yesterday I finished watching a movie that was stacked in my watchlist for long time and I think it was a perfect pick during a slump. It's the 1994's movie, considered to be one of the best of all time, 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Today's post is supposed to be a review (⚠️may contain spoilers) but I assume I'm gonna go all over the place with whatever thought the movie provoked in me. Of course there are other interpretations out there, this one is solely my point of view.  Andy Dufresne, our main character, is sent to Shawshank prison after being convicted of the murder of his wife and the man she had affair with. He learns about the brutality inside the cage where unlaw is sometimes law itself. However, he appeared different from other prisoners with his strong-resolved personality and big plans. Andy turns himself into an import