Saying "I don't care anymore" when no one's asked you very much means you still do care
I wonder if anyone has ever grown up without being emotionally hurt by people around him/her. At one point we start feeling stoic. We keep telling ourselves or whoever willing to hear that we no longer care if someone hurts us, betrays us or tramples us down. There's a hint of monastic coolness in this manner, probably that's why we never get tired of proving that we REALLY don't care. But come to think of it. If we really didn't care, we wouldn't even feel the urge to spell it out. So, it's better to 'accept' what's hurting you instead of denying it cuz only then you can move on with a positive mindset.
No need to judge anything and everything!
No one likes judgmental people but that's not the main reason I don't think it's a wise thing to do. You see, you shouldn't judge people or a trait of them for the sake of your own mental health. If you want to, you can judge everything and everyone around you because all of them have flaws. But doing so will only leave you with a pessimistic point of view towards all around you more and more. That doesn't help to keep a sound mind. Everyone has rooms for improvement. A friendly approach towards others to help them with their improvement is always welcome. But if that's not something you're able to do, it's better to accept and let go.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
I first came across this quote in Haruki Murakami's book- 'What I Talk about When I Talk about Running' and fell in love with this mindset so much. Indeed it's not the pain that gives us hard time as much as our emotional attachment to this pain does. That's why all pain relieving meditations tell you to accept the pain and cut the emotional part from it. I believe this mindset is applicable literally for all types of pain- mental, physical, emotional, school-related, work-related - you name it. Such a life changing way of thinking.
It's very much possible to be a failure
Sounds pessimistic- I know. No motivational speaker will ever tell you to think like this. Nor will I. This way of thinking has worked for 'me' to calm my mind and focus on what I'm doing. I had this question pricking my mind- "I'm learning all these things but what if I can't be successful at the end of the day? What will be the point of all these?" If you only think about failure it will be too intimidating to start or continue anything. But I couldn't get the possibility of failure out of my head. So I told myself- "yeah, it's very much possible to fail as much as it is to succeed. If you do end up failing, write a book about 'how it feels to be a failure after trying so hard'. So, work hard now so you have some good content for that book even if you don't manage to succeed." (Of course I don't wanna be a failure nevertheless.) That's it. Did the job for keeping me from being pessimistic.
Had a few more thoughts to share but I'll stop here for now and save them for some other day. I want to be more punctual in posting. Angry at myself for slacking off lately >:(
With the hope of bringing some good content next time, I'm drawing an end to today's post. Take care! :D