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Web Development: Update of My Learning

Ramadan Mubarak! Hope you're spending the blessed month the way you should! So far, I have been learning the front-end part which is- building the structure of the website using HTML and making it look good using CSS. And I have been enjoying the learning a lot. So, this is how it's going- I started by learning the basics of HTML and CSS. I learned the basics from YouTube and from one channel. Based on a few more experiences, I can recommend you to learn the 'basics' from one resource for whatever you are learning. That keeps the process from turning overwhelming. But of course, basics is not all. To upgrade your level, you need to keep learning more out of basics. This is when things start to get overwhelming and we often end up giving up. Here's what my programming journey taught me last year: you can never learn ALL of it and you shouldn't even try to do so. If you want to learn everything before starting to create something, chances are that you will never even get to begin with your project. The reason is simple- there's no end of learning. So there's no way to start something if you wish to finish something never-ending before that. Then what's the way to learn new topics? Well, making a project with the knowledge of the basics you've learnt. This is the most given advice from every programmer you'll find on YouTube. It's the stumble-learn-get up-repeat process and with each repetition, the number of topics you've learned goes up. Following the same way with learning web development is helping too. Also, watching tutorials or projects made by others helps to get new idea. While designing a web page, I get stuck at places for not knowing how to do the certain thing. I look it up on YouTube or google it and thus learn a new topic. Learning in this way is effective because it's interesting and I don't have to be stuck up learning something I probably won't use any time soon. I need to learn what I want to learn and I want to learn what I need to learn. Here's my CodePen account where you can see some of my works. (Browsing with PC is recommended.)

That's all for today. Stay tuned for the next post. Bye!

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