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They Are All about Parents Love [Review]

Recently I've enjoyed two movies and a webtoon all of which coincidentally had a common theme. You guessed what it is from the title. They're literally so heart-touching that you might need a box of tissue with you while giving them a go.

1. Miracle in Cell No. 7

A mentally impaired man got falsely accused of murdering a young girl which separated him from his loving daughter whom he loved more than his life. After years, the grown up daughter looks back at the time and reminisces the bitter-sweet memory of that difficult time.

This 2013 Korean movie has such a beautiful story, it has inspired remakes in four different countries. The Turkish remake in 2019 got the most popularity and brought this movie in the lime light. This one is slightly different from the original story for its different ending.

2. Ayla: the Daughter of War

Süleyman Dilbirliği, a 25 year old solider in the Turkish troop sent to help South Korea in the Korean War in 1950, found a helpless child amidst the war wreckage. He brought her with him and took care of her like a father while fighting against enemies. The war came to an end making their possibilty to stay by each other's side an uncertain mist.

This movie is based on a true event and after watching it I was wondering whether all of the incredible story actually happened in real or they made up some of it. Then I watched the documentary– "Ayla: My Korean Daughter" and wow... all of that incredible story was real. I highly recommend you watch the documentary as well; this pure story of love and humanity deserves to be spread among all.

3. Kids are Alright

Little boy Dai's mom is currently at hospital. He lives with his dad and is a very responsible kid for his age. In his new school, he makes new friends, plays with them and learns about the way of life while growing up.

This webtoon has such a simplistic art style but the story won't fail to touch your heart. Gives you a look at life from a child's perspective. A movie has been made out of this but the webtoon is much better in my opinion.

That's all for today. I've been so irregular in blogging :'). I want to give the excuse of my upcoming SSC exam which has been hanging over the neck forever. Hope I'll be able to be regular once the exam is finished and bring some interesting content to you, in sha Allah. Until then, take care!

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