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Arab Spring pt. 1

After slacking on a weekly post, I'm back on the track with new content! This time's topic is a history that's not completely part of the past yet. You've got the spoiler in the title already; it's the hot topic of the beginning of last decade- the Arab Spring. There's much to get into regarding this topic and so I intend to make two (or more if needed) parts of today's post. Here's the part one where I'll be covering what Arab Spring is, how it began and a glimpse of what it led to.  It all started from a small country in North Africa- Tunisia; a country having a long history of corruption and oppression from the government. In the cover of farce-like democracy, the country actually ran by dictatorship under the power of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia's second president starting from 1987. People didn't have the freedom of speech and government corruption, unemployment, social inequality were distressing their life. Ben Ali's

Web Development: Update of My Learning

Ramadan Mubarak! Hope you're spending the blessed month the way you should! So far, I have been learning the front-end part which is- building the structure of the website using HTML and making it look good using CSS . And I have been enjoying the learning a lot. So, this is how it's going- I started by learning the basics of HTML and CSS. I learned the basics from YouTube and from one channel. Based on a few more experiences, I can recommend you to learn the 'basics' from one resource for whatever you are learning. That keeps the process from turning overwhelming. But of course, basics is not all. To upgrade your level, you need to keep learning more out of basics. This is when things start to get overwhelming and we often end up giving up. Here's what my programming journey taught me last year: you can never learn ALL of it and you shouldn't even try to do so. If you want to learn everything before starting to create something, chances are that you will

How the Economic Machine Works- Review

For a while, I've been trying to learn about stock market, why it crashes, inflation and stuffs. I would choose one such topic to study about but every time I would feel like- "there's something I don't quite understand but I don't know what it is". However, YouTube algorithm was quick enough to understand what it was since it recommended me this video one day. Turns out I needed to know how the economic system works in general.                       Let me take a moment to appreciate this video. Not only does the narrator explain well but the awesome animation makes it fun and easy to understand as well. Gives basic knowledge of how the conventional economic system works. I found this video really useful cuz the overall picture of the economy itself gave answer to some of my previously inquired questions. Also made me realize- having knowledge about economy helps to understand history better too. Today's post can be considered as a summary or a guide to g

Favorites of This Month

Helloo. How's everything? Here are some stuffs I enjoyed this month. No spoiler has been given. So if you want, you can try some of them and enjoy all the surprises they have in stock. Books The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho A Spanish young man goes in search of treasure after encountering a mysterious man. The journey isn't easy at all. But as he moves forward, he keeps learning about the mystic truth of world and life itself.  The Alchemist is one of the most inspiring books I've ever read. It talks about following your dream, what obstacles come in its path, why they come and how to prevent them. The story is certainly not about the destination but about the journey. Each and every sentence of the book hits right into realization and makes you wonder how you knew all these stuffs all along but didn't realize them in the same way. The following quote of the Alchemist fits this feeling the most-                "I only invoked what you already knew." বিবর্ণ তুষার -

Time-lapse Digital Art

  Hi, hope you're doing okay. And Happy Independence Day :D Today I've prepared something light for you. Yeah, no philosophy or fact or anything. Here are time-lapse drawing process of a floral illustration and a mandala. I used ibis Paint X app to draw them. (The 2nd one's design was taken from a text-book cover illustration and improvised a bit.) Enjoy.

Calling of the Heart

I've seen a lot of people (and been one myself) saving up all the things they wish to do for someday in future. Because they are busy to do all the things they need to do today. The question is- will they be able to fulfill their wish? Or more importantly, will they have the will left to fulfill those wish in the future? Our heart is like a 5 y/o kid. Sometimes it gets interested in something on a whimsical wish. It keeps telling you to give it what it wants. You can either choose to make it happy by appeasing its desire or you can simply ignore it. If you choose the latter one, well, its gonna cry for a while; but give it something else to be busy with, it will completely forget about whatever it wished for. There's another way- you can give it the hope that you will get that stuff for it later. What happens then? One day you buy that stuff or get it somehow- but you will find out that the once burning desire is replaced with something else.  This kind of explains why we find


Quick note : The title of this post itself doesn't make any sense but if you go to 'Learning' section from the menu bar/menu dropdown and click on 'Web Development', it will make some sense. And if you're already here, cool 👌  One new thing I started this year is learning web development. The thought of learning web development didn't come out of the blue. Last year I started learning Python. I learned the basics of it but then decided to take a break because...well, this meme I found on the internet gives some idea :')  So then I started to think what to do next. I fell in love with coding, more specifically, logical operation and systematic approach towards solving a problem. But I wanted to create something responsive and visual, something that a user could navigate easily. Yup, like an app. Using Android Studio for app development seemed to be the best option but the laptop I use is not efficient enough to run that program. So, then I decided to lea